Jung & Partner Software & Consulting AG, Berlin | Qualitätsmangement von Baustoffen, Software für Baustoffprüfung

für mobile Nutzung

LASTRADA-App - Fresh Concrete Inspection

Brief Description:

This module enables the complete collection of fresh concrete data directly on your mobile device. You can seamlessly document both the sample's header data as well as the fresh concrete data and test specimens. Data collection also works offline, so an internet connection is not necessary. Once you are back online, you can easily upload the collected data.

Your Advantages:

Paper documentation becomes unnecessary thanks to LASTRADA, while at the same time you gain complete transparency over all samples. During sampling and fresh concrete control, whether on-site or in the plant, data collection occurs directly at the point of origin. This eliminates duplicate work steps and minimizes errors. Additionally, the status of each sample is fully visible at all times, and the use of the app is closely integrated with the LASTRADA classic workflows.

  • Fresh Concrete Inspection

  • Fresh Concrete Inspection

  • Fresh Concrete Inspection

  • Fresh Concrete Inspection

  • Fresh Concrete Inspection

  • Fresh Concrete Inspection
